In Development

Supertest: FV4004 Conway Changes

- hitpoints buffed from 1250 to 1500

- viewrange buffed from 320 to 380

- weight increased from 49,442 tons to 51,01 tons

- power-to-weight reduced from 19,21 hp/t to 18,62 hp/t

- hull traverse nerfed from 32 deg/s to 28 deg/s

- turret traverse nerfed from 20,9 deg/s to 16,7 deg/s

- 120mm top gun ROF nerfed from 8,343 to 8,022

- 120mm top gun reload time nerfed from 7,192 to 7,479

- 120mm ammo carried increased from 20 to 35

- 120mm top gun accuracy buffed from 0,316 to 0,307

- 120mm aimtime buffed from 1,92s to 1,82s

The stats thus look as such:

Tier 9 TD

Price: 3,5 mil credits

Hitpoints: 1500

Engine: 950 hp

Weight: 51,01 tons

Power-to-weight: 18,62 hp/t

Maximum speed: 35/20 km/h

Hull traverse: 38 deg/s

Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/1,822

Turret traverse: 16,7

Viewrange: 380

Radiorange: 782,1

Hull armor: 76,2/50,8/?

Turret armor: 132,1/95,3/?

Elite gun: 120mm L1A1

Damage: 400/400/515

Penetration: 259/326/120

ROF: 8,022

Reload: 7,479

Ammo carried: 35 rounds

Accuracy: 0,307

Aimtime: 1,82s

Depression: -5/+10

Supertest: FV215b (183) Nerf

Remember how Storm said that of the two British derps, the FV4005 would be the faster one, even though both had roughly the same mobility? Well, the FV215b (183) is getting nerfed as such (data valid for 100 percent crew):

- hull traverse reduced from 32 to 24

- terrain resistance on hard surfaces nerfed by 38 percent

- terrain resistance on medium surfaces nerfed by 43 percent

- terrain resistance on soft surfaces nerfed by 25 percent

There is currently no compensation issued for these changes, so it’s a pure nerf (it’s possible the armor will be buffed, but not certain). Well, looks like Storm was right after all – after this, the FV4005 will really be faster.

Supertest: Charioteer

Tier 8 British tank destroyer, coming in 9.5 in the “Firefly” branch – with 20pdr (edit: WG removed the L7).

Tier 8 TD
Price: 2,6 mil credits
Hitpoints: 1050
Engine: 650 hp
Weight: 30,27 tons
Power-to-weight: 21,47 hp/t
Maximum speed: 52/20 km/h
Hull traverse: 36 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,863/0,959/1,726
Turret traverse: 18,8
Viewrange: 370
Radiorange: 730

Hull armor: 63,5/46/38,1
Turret armor: 30/25/30

Stock gun: 20pdr
Damage: 230
Penetration: 226
ROF: 9,481
Reload: 6,329
DPM: 2180
Ammo carried: 35 rounds
Accuracy: 0,336
Aimtime: 2,59
Depression: -5Tier 8 TD
Price: 2,6 mil credits
Hitpoints: 1050
Engine: 650 hp
Weight: 30,27 tons
Power-to-weight: 21,47 hp/t
Maximum speed: 52/20 km/h
Hull traverse: 36 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,863/0,959/1,726
Turret traverse: 18,8
Viewrange: 370
Radiorange: 730

Hull armor: 63,5/46/38,1
Turret armor: 30/25/30

Stock gun: 20pdr
Damage: 230
Penetration: 226
ROF: 9,481
Reload: 6,329
DPM: 2180
Ammo carried: 35 rounds
Accuracy: 0,336
Aimtime: 2,59
Depression: -5

Supertest: Upcoming Viewrange Nerf

As predicted, in 9.5, some vehicles will have a viewrange nerf. Here is a list of some, I am not quite sure whether the list is complete, my bet is that it is not. On the other hand, scouts got theirs buffed. The old one is in the brackets.

IS-8: 370 (400)

WT Pz4: 320 (410)

Т-54: 370 (390)

Т-44: 360 (380)

ISU-152: 310 (370)

IS-3: 360 (350) (a buff, odd)

Rhm.-Borsig: 310 (400)

Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P): 360 (380)

Jagdpanther: 300 (370)

T20 350: (390)

Lorr.155 51: 280 (360)

GW Panther: 270 (370)

AMX-13-75: 430 (390)

T21: 420 (390)

Supertest: FV4005 Stage II

This project of a heavy anti-tank self-propelled gun was developed in the early 50′s, using the equipment and parts from Centurion Mk.3. At first, it was tested with an automatic loading mechanism. Due to the fact that the ammo system did not fit the turret dimensions, it was decided to scrap it. One prototype was made and tested, but the vehicle was not mass produced.

Stats are for 100 percent crew.

Tier 10 TD

Price: 6,1 mil credits

Hitpoints: 1450

Engine: 650 hp

Weight: 50,802 tons

Power-to-weight: 12,79 hp/t

Maximum speed: 35/12 km/h

Hull traverse: 32 deg/s

Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,247/1,822

Turret traverse: 12,5 deg/s

Viewrange: 330

Radiorange: 750

Hull armor: 76,2/50,8/?

Turret armor: 14/14/14

Elite gun: 183mm L4

Damage: 1150/1750/1750

Penetration: 310/230/92

ROF: 1,788

DPM: 2055,9

Reload: 33,562

Ammo carried: 12 rounds

Accuracy: 0,345

Aimtime: 2,68s

Depression: -5/+8

Limited traverse: 90 degrees (45 to each side)

Upcoming tier 9 regular British tank destroyer for the 9.5 patch.

A prototype tank destroyer. Created on the British Centurion medium tank chassis. Developed in order to fight contemporary heavy tanks, including the IS-3.

Stats are for 100 percent crew.

Tier 9 TD

Price: 3,5 mil credits

Hitpoints: 1250

Engine: 950 hp

Weight: 49,442 tons

Power-to-weight: 19,21 hp/t

Maximum speed: 35/20 km/h

Hull traverse: 32 deg/s

Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/1,822

Turret traverse: 20,9

Viewrange: 320

Radiorange: 782,1

Hull armor: 76,2/50,8/?

Turret armor: 132,1/95,3/?

Stock gun: 105mm L7

Damage: 390/480/480

Penetration: 268/210/105

ROF: 9,202

Reload: 6,521

Ammo carried: 72 rounds

Accuracy: 0,297

Aimtime: 1,73s

Depression: -5/+10

Elite gun: 120mm L1A1

Damage: 400/400/515

Penetration: 259/326/120

ROF: 8,343

Reload: 7,192

Ammo carried: 20 rounds

Accuracy: 0,316

Aimtime: 1,92s

Depression: -5/+10

Supertest: Tier 8 FV4202

Currently, supertesters are getting their hands on the tier 8 FV4202, the new premium one. Furthermore, there are rumors that around the end of the year, some “really cool” mission will take place on RU server and that the mission might be related to the FV4202 switch, so maybe it would pay off to buy it as soon as possible. As far as I can tell, the supertesters are using the SD model as a placeholder for tier 8 for now.

The tier 8 FV4202 has following characteristics (these are VERY preliminary and might change):

Tier 8 MT

Price: 11750G (placeholder)

Hitpoints: 1400

Weight: 41,594 tons

Max speed: 35/20

Hull armor: 51/51/32

Turret armor: 170/90/90

Traverse: 42 deg/s

Turret traverse: 32 deg/s

View range: 390 m

Radio range: 750 m

Engine: RR Meteorite 202B

Power: 510 hp

Power-to-weight: 12,26 hp/t

Terrain resistance: 0.6/0.7/1.2

Fire starting chance: 20%

Gun: OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel

Damage: 230/230/280

Penetration: 226/258/42

Module damage: 118

Reload time: 7.6

Accuracy: 0.33

Aiming time: 2.4

Ammo: 50

Elevation: -10/+20 (back: -2)

Supertest: STA-2 Changes

- DPM buffed from 2029,3 to 2115,1

- reload time buffed from 7,096 to 6,808

- ROF buffed from 8,456 to 8,813

- aimtime buffed from 2,21 to 2,11

- accuracy loss from moving a turred buffed by cca 20 percent

- hitpoints buffed from 1400 to 1420

- repair costs very slightly nerfed

New vehicle statistics are like this:

Tier 8 MT

Hitpoints: 1420

Engine: 500hp

Weight: 34 tons

Power-to-weight: 14,71 hp/t

Maximum speed: 45/20 km/h

Hull traverse: 44 deg/s

Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/1,918

Hull armor: 45/35/?

Turret armor: 70/60/?

Gun: 90mm

Damage: 240

Penetration: 185,9

DPM: 2115,1

ROF: 8,813

Accuracy: 0,355

Aimtime: 2,11s

Depression: -10

Turret traverse: 43,8 deg/s

Viewrange: 380

Radiorange: 720

Upcoming Tier 10 in 9.5
As you know, 9.5 will bring the “Firefly line” of medium tanks, combined with a load of British turretted tank destroyers. Yesterday, Storm announced that it was decided this line would have a new tier 10 after all. Well, it’s the end of October and all deadlines for modelling are gone already, so it can really be just one candidate: FV4005 Stage 2
And no, it does not have an autoloader. The vehicle weighed 50 tons and was powered by a 640hp Meteor Mk.IVB engine, giving it power-to-weight ratio of 12,75 hp/t. Its maximum speed was historically 34,6 km/h. All that in a package, that’s just as tall as the WT E-100 (which implies it will have just as bad camouflage, as camouflage factor is generally derived from vehicle height).If we are to compare it to the FV215b (183) in the game – the armor comparison is above. To be completely fair, only a small part of the FV215b turret front is actually 254mm thick, but still, it’s quite a difference compared to the 14mm of turret. FV215b is powered by a Meteor 800hp engine, but it’s 10 tons heavier than the FV4005. Still, it has better power-to-weight ratio of 13,4 hp/t with the same speed (34,3 km/h).What I am trying to say in this post is that the hard stats (armor, speed) are just really, really bad. That means they will be compensated somehow – and I think that “somehow” will be gun handling – accuracy, rate of fire and other balance characteristics. In the end, what I fear we will get is yet another one trick pony, a derp version of the WT E-100 – no armor, no speed, sluggish, but with ridiculous gun performance. Because, you know, that’s exactly what the game needs, a crossbreed between WT E-100 and FV215b (183), another balancing nightmare, that will always either be OP, or useless. Well, good luck to the guys, who will balance this thing.

Supertest: STA-2

Upcoming tier 8 Japanese premium medium tank.

These are 100 percent crew stats.

Tier 8 MT

Preliminary price: 11k gold

Hitpoints: 1400

Engine: 500hp

Weight: 34 tons

Power-to-weight: 14,71 hp/t

Maximum speed: 45/20 km/h

Hull traverse: 44 deg/s

Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/1,918

Hull armor: 45/35/?

Turret armor: 70/60/?

Gun: 90mm

Damage: 240

Penetration: 185,9

DPM: 2029

ROF: 8,456

Accuracy: 0,355

Aimtime: 2,21s

Depression: -10

Turret traverse: 43,8 deg/s

Viewrange: 380

Radiorange: 720

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