суббота, 22 ноября 2014 г.

Valid Invite Code 

пятница, 14 ноября 2014 г.

- there will be a micropatch soon (between 9.4 and 9.5), fixing some of the worst issues, specifically the enemy seeing your chat channel during special battles (CW), the lagging (freezing) minimap markers, the jumping serverside aim circle and the damage from slightly touching the allies (altogether 10-15 bugs will be fixed) read more

четверг, 30 октября 2014 г.

E-25 To Be Possibly Removed From Shop
Following news appeared on several Russian portals. Apparently, it’s possible that (on RU server, but I do believe such a thing concerns other servers as well), the E-25 tier 7 premium tank destroyer will be removed from the regular sale in the shop (the way Type 59 was).

Now, I reached out to my own sources and I learned that while this info specifically cannot be confirmed, it is true that lead producers and developers wanted to “do something” about the E-25, so it’s possible this piece of news is true, but far from certain.

пятница, 17 октября 2014 г.

comparative video for a replay between 9.3 and 9.4

9.4 New Gun Sounds

Stalingrad Map Preview

Supertest: Object 260, T28C, T95E2 Finalized Stats
Finalized stats (when it comes to supertest anyway) of the reward vehicles made it to the supertest. These vehicles will apparently be the rewards for individual missions, that are coming in 9.5 and will be obtainable by anyone, not just clan players. The changes were as follows:

T28 Concept

- side armor rounded up from 101 to 102mm
- hitpoints nerfed from 900 to 880
- aimtime nerfed from 2,1s to 2,3s
- ROF nerfed from 6,74 to 6,45

Tier 7 premium TD
Hitpoints: 880
Engine: 960 hp
Weight: 70 tons
Power-to-weight: 13,71 hp/t
Maximum speed: 29 km/h
Hull traverse: 18 deg/s
Armor: 203/102/50
Gun: 105mm T5
Damage: 320/320/420
Penetration: 181/224/53
ROF: 6,45
Accuracy: 0,4
Aimtime: 2,3s
Viewrange: 370
Radiorange: 570


here, I don’t have the exact changes, because the original numbers I had were for 100 percent crew and these are nominal (garage) stats.

Tier 8 MT

Hitpoints: 1500
Max weight: 39.75 tons
View range: 390 m
Radio range: 745 m

Max speed: 56/21
Hull armor: 95/71/25

Engine: Continental AOI 1195-5
Power: 560 hp
Fire starting chance: 15%
Power-to-weight: 15.28 hp/t

Chassis: T114
Rotation speed: 36 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0.9/1.1/1.9
Movement dispersion: 0.22

Turret: M87 A
Rotation speed: 32 deg/s
Turret armor: 178/102/51

Gun: 90 mm Gun M41E1
Damage: 240/240/320
Penetration: 173/250/45
Module damage: 122
Reload time: 7.5
Accuracy: 0.36
Aiming time 2.3
Ammo: 64
Elevation: -9/+19 (on the back: -6/+19)
Gun traverse dispersion: 0.12

Object 260

- radiorange nerfed from 720 to 570m

- gun alpha buffed from 390/390/465 to 440/440/530
- gun penetration buffed from 225/265/68 to 260/340/68 (this change was announced earlier)
- ROF buffed from 4,88 to 5,217
- DPM increased from 1903 to 2295
- accuracy buffed from 0,37 to 0,36
- aimtime buffed from 2,8s to 2,5s
- elevation is now -5/+15

Tier 10 HT
Hitpoints: 2100
Engine: 1200 hp
Weight: 61,3 tons
Power-to-weight: 19,57 hp/t
Maximum speed: 60 km/h
Hull traverse: 28 deg/s

Hull armor: 150/150/70
Turret armor: 350/240/100

Gun: 122mm BL-13-1
Damage: 440/440/530
Penetration: 260/340/68
DPM: 2295
ROF: 5,217
Accuracy: 0,36
Aimtime: 2,5s
Turret traverse: 26 deg/s

Viewrange: 400

Radiorange: 570
Supertest: ISU-130
Here’s the summary of upcoming tier 8 Soviet premium/reward tank destroyer, ISU-130. Basically, it’s ISU-152 with SU-100Y’s gun.

Heavy SPG based on ISU-122S. It was developed in 1944 and a prototype was built in October of the same year. It was created by installing a 130mm S-26 gun, which was developed from the naval B-13 gun on the ISU-122S platform. Driving and shooting trials were conducted until June 1945. Because of the end of WW2 and the fact that the gun was inferior in penetration to 122 guns, ISU-130 was not accepted in service.

Tier 8 Soviet TD

Hitpoints: 1000
Max weight: 52.6 tons
View range: 370m
Radio range: 440m

Armor: 90/75/60

Engine: V-2-10, 520 hp
Power-to-weight: 11.10 hp/t
Max speed: 34/12
Traverse: 24 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 1.1/1.3/2.1

Hull armor: 90/90/60

Gun traverse: -2/+9,72 (left/right)
Elevation: -1.12/+14,23 (yes, -1 and yes, this is historical, I checked)

Gun: 130 mm S-26
Damage: 490/570/640
Penetration: 215/187/65
Module damage: 180
Reload time: 13.9
Accuracy: 0.4
Aiming time: 3

Ammo: 25

суббота, 11 октября 2014 г.


- Veider on some of the comments regarding supertest vehicle stats: “stats of unfinished leaked tanks can be very different from their release version. It’s pointless to discuss those stats. Discuss only the look of the vehicle. Although it too can change in the final version.”
- apparently, the Object 260 will not be a CW/SH reward tank
- Storm states that the “1mm” armor of the Scorpion is historical, it was just a metal sheet on the frame to protect the crew from the elements, like a car
- Storm states that this picture, showing the Object 260, is incorrect. Developers used this drawing as reference instead.
- Q: “If Object 260 will be available for random players, I’ll sell my kidney to get it and then I’ll wank over it” A: “You don’t have to sell your kindey to wank :)”
- details about how to get Object 260 will come later but it will NOT be a CW vehicle
- German T55A? Storm: “It’s more like trolling of germanlovers than oppressing the sovietlovers.”
- Evilly on FV4202 switch: “If there is a mission to get the FV4202, it will be activated by the presence of FV4202 in the hangar”
- new sounds will come very soon
- there will apparently be a poll by Storm (not binding) to find out which maps the players want to remove
- Evilly confirms that the individual missions are currently in test mode
- apparently, the ISP’s of Ukraine were causing serious lags and crashes for WoT players lately
- Storm states that 7/42 battles (TB) are played more than WG expected
- there will be no HD model reworks in 9.4
- there is unfortunately “a lot of various problems” with HD model rework (SS: what I could piece together from various sources is that basically, WG outsourced the entire model re-work, which caused quite a lot of problems, the outsourcing companies (from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine) could not provide sufficient quality of the models and there were issues with communication. WG in tried several and at this point, WG’s own artists are creating the HD model themselves)
- arty will not be removed from the game.
- one player’s reaction on that statement above: “FUUUUUU”, Marschig (another developer): “Oh yes and someone has to make sure the artyphobes suffer :)”
- very small surface irregularities will be compensated by new motion physics
- the 70 Mb micropatch broke XVM because of the new tank introduction
- new terrain render was not yet introduced
- “Fury” Sherman does not have limited MM
- Storm’s occupation for near future? “I will think about balancing problems”
- currently, developers are solving the following issues (those come first): camo + spotting, accuracy spread

- accuracy on the move won’t be nerfed – Storm: “fucking around with accuracy on the move leads to camping” (SS: lit. “masturbating in bushes”)
- new WoT sounds will come very soon
- Fury Sherman weight is correct, it’s caused by “the equipment on the vehicle”
- the “War Thunder” type hangar (where you can inspect armor, modules, crew layout) will come “when it’s done”, according to Storm this feature is not THAT important. It will apparently include only the armor schematics, not the module layout.
- Malinovka will be reworked in 9.4
- Batchat was not nerfed recently
- some maps will be completely removed from the game. Currently, developers are discussing which ones.
- Storms state that 44 maps in the game is too much, it’s very hard to work with such number
- Japanese will get a “Patton-like” premium medium tank (SS: ST-A2B)
- premium tier 8 medium Soviet tank will come in 2015, the T-54 Model 1945
- Storm wants to nerf the accuracy a bit (to return it partially to the old one, but not totally)
- penetration as a whole is going to be studied as well
- when the new batch of statistics arrive, developers will also decide if there’s too much gold rounds for credits flying around and whether it’s a problem or not
- the issue, where driving to the foot of the hill slows your tank too much will also be fixed with new physics
- Panzer IV Schmalturm will get the side armor plates to act as spaced armor, when it is reworked to HD
- all tanks will be reworked to HD, including the rare ones like A-32

- the original plan for HD tanks was to rework to HD first those tanks, that fought and are very well known

воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

Skrillex. Arranged and Orchestrated by Steve Pycroft

Skrillex - Bangarang (Cello Cover)

Потрачено - Упоротый байкер

"Что такое НЛД?" - угарный момент на стриме Desertod-a [18+] [WoT]

АнтиПапки #17
Cегодня в программе: самый юный танкист, самая лучшая реклама модов и гайд по игре на КВаСе одной рукой

War Thunder Trailer

Say what you want about War Thunder, dislike or like the game as much as you want, but whatever your opinion on Gaijin vs Wargaming is, there is one thing that Gaijin is absolutely undeniably superior to Wargaming: epic game trailers. While Wargaming trailers are usually relatively boring (comes with having no men in them), Gaijin on the other hand produces this… and it’s a beauty.

To be quite honest, I think this is definitely one of the best game trailers I have EVER seen, for ANY game. Enjoy. And Wargaming, you have some catching up to do.
Attack of the Clones.Supertest: T-55A NVA DDR

- Object 260 tier 10 Soviet heavy tank (scheduled as a clanwars reward, basically an IS-7 variant with different turret)
- T28 Concept (based on the wooden mockup as a tier 7 US TD
- East-German T-55A medium tank (because, you know, there are not enough T-54 clones in the game) tier 9 tank (likely an event/CW reward)
- tier 6 premium M4A3E8 variant (“Fury”, apparently)

Hello everyone,

you might have noticed that yesterday, we recieved yet another copy of the T-54, this time in the German tree (I wonder if we’ll ever get an American T-54 clone as well). On one hand, it’s a solid tier 9 reward tank and – let’s face it, the model is beautiful, all that I am missing are the external fuel tanks, but I can see why developers didn’t add them (they wouldn’t be a part of the hitzone and people would be confused: “why the hell does it not catch on fire, when I am firing at his fuel tanks”). Another neat part is that according to the source of the leaks, developers are even making the East German crest on the tank, just like the Leopard has a Bundeswehr one. I do not understand the designation too well – I mean, T-55 NVA DDR? In English, NVA almost always refers to the army of North Vietnam and I can already see how people will be confused (“we are having a Vietnamese T-55 in German tree?”). Why not Kampfpanzer T-55 or even Kpz T 55 (without the dash), that’s how the vehicle was designated in some German sources and books?
On the other hand, this vehicle, despite having somewhat different characteristics, is a clone of the T-54. Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing?

Personally, I don’t mind. I mean… yes, this tank existed and was in service, thanks god it didn’t get to fight anyone though. Ironically, this vehicle, deployed by the East German army (NVA), was not manufactured in Germany, it was imported from Czechoslovakia (and partially Poland). Congratulations, another Czechoslovak vehicle fighting in German colours :) Hell, the German vehicles even fired indigenous Czechoslovak ammunition, not the Soviet one (specifically, the 100-JprSv HEAT shells with cca 300mm penetration).

As I wrote, I don’t mind. I personally think T-54/55 are some of the most beautiful tanks ever made and having one in the German tree? Why not. There is nothing inherently bad in having multiple copies of one tank in the game, it adds nothing negative to the game, apart from somewhat less diversity, but even that is a minor issue, considering this will not be a tier 8 premium tank and so we do not have to fear floods of T-55A tanks in battles

All jokes aside however, there is one thing that I hate about that and it’s the Wargaming inconsistency and hypocrisy. On one hand, the developers are moaning about the EU tree “filled with clones” and on the other hand, they introduce TWO T-54 clones in space of one month?

And that goes for the T28 Concept (upcoming tier 7 US TD apparently) – on one hand, developers are not happy with fake tanks to the point of actively trying to replace them, on the other hand, they introduce a completely fabricated vehicle with fake statistics based on one wooden mockup, that wasn’t even seriously considered?

Seeing how easy it is for them to break their own rules, the EU tree should be a piece of cake. In any case however, this inconsistency is something that really brings them down in my eyes. Oh well, here’s to another version of the T-54, may many players get it and enjoy it!
T-55A appeared on the supertest as a German tier 9 reward/event tank. It’s official designation is “T-55A NVA DDR”. The designation reads:

The T-55A is an improved variant of the T-55 tank. It differs from the T-55 by the absence of the AA machinegun and improved WMD protection. Roughly 1800 T-55 and T-55A tanks were exported from USSR to DDR between 1962 and 1970.
Statistics for 100 percent crew:

Tier: 9 MT Reward
Hitpoints: 1700
Weight: 37,5 tons
Engine power: 580 hp
Power-to-weight: 15,47 hp/t
Maximum speed: 50/20 km/h
Terrain resistance: 0,767/0,863/1,438
Hull traverse: 50 deg/s
Viewrange: 395
Radiorange: 761,3

Armor – hull: 100/80/?
Armor – turret: 200/160/65

Gun: 100mm Kanone D-10T2S
Penetration: 201/330/50
Damage: 320/320/420
DPM: 2600
Reload time: 7,384s
ROF: 8,126
Accuracy: 0,326
Aimtime: 2,01s
Depression: -4,3
Turret traverse: 48 deg/s

Armor and more pics below.

Supertest: T95E2

A new tier 8 premium/reward tank appeared on supertest, the T95E2. Some are speculating that it’s a reward tank, but nothing is confirmed at this point.

The description reads:

The development started in September 1954. Many pieces of equipment and modules were unified with the T96 heavy tank. In total, nine vehicles were produced, five of which were equipped with a 90mm gun and four were planned to be equipped with the T96 tank turret and its 105mm gun. However, since the T96 turrets were not ready on time, it was decided to fit the tank temporarily with the M48A2 tank turret with its M41 rifled gun. These vehicles were built in May-June 1957 and were designated T95E2.

Statistics for 100 percent crew, preliminary price 7500 gold.

Tier: 8 Premium
Hitpoints: 1500
Weight: 38,363 tons
Engine power: 560 hp
Power-to-weight: 14,6 hp/t
Maximum speed: 56,3/21 km/h
Terrain resistance: 0,863/1,055/1,822
Hull traverse: 36 deg/s
Viewrange: 390
Radiorange: ?

Armor – hull: 95,3/71,1/25,4
Armor – turret: 177,8/101,6/50,8

Gun: 90mm M41
Penetration: 173/242/45
Damage: 240/240/320
DPM: 2085,7
Reload time: 6,904s
ROF: 8,69
Accuracy: 0,345
Aimtime: 2,01s
Depression: -9/+19
Ammo carried: 64
Turret traverse rate: ?

четверг, 2 октября 2014 г.

On Wargaming EU Policies (Bots, Prem Tank Recovery)
I have seen the question “why are the names of banned botters not published on EU server” asked many times by many people. Hell, I asked it myself. And so, I wrote a message to Ectar (I think his title now is a “producer”, not sure anyway), asking the very same question. Here’s what he answered:

In Europe as you know we don’t allow for naming and shaming on our forums. One of the biggest reasons for this is to avoid players taking matters into their own hands (From simple things like taking it upon themselves to monitor/track other players, to message them in-game etc etc). Basically it would be rather hypocritical to punish players for naming and shaming on our forums and the we do it ourselves to players.

We are committed to actively taking action against players who break our rules or exploit the game, however we feel it’s in the best interests of the community that this interaction is kept between Wargaming.net and the individual player. As a result of this, a list of player names who have been banned for botting will not be published in EU.

So, there you have it. I personally disagree with the “best interest of the community part”, but that’s my personal opinion. After all, the principle of public trial (including the announcement of punishment) is a valid law principle in all democratic countries – and there’s a reason for that. But, then again, ingame punishments are not public law area, they are meted out according to private law and as such, Wargaming is free to do what they want.

Second announcement concerns the change in premium tank reimbursement policy, which was announced today. The change is simple: before, you could get basically any previously sold tank restored. Now, this option will be available only for tanks sold in last two months (previous restrictions apply). The reason for this decision we can only guess, I assume it’s to reduce the support personell workload.
Sturmtiger Spotted

Hello everyone,
those of you with keen eyes (there were several So, what is it? Are the developers teasing us again, or perhaps they are showing us what will come in the future?
Sadly, no. According to most recent Storm’s statement (two days ago), the line was scrapped. Sturmtiger will not appear in the game as a playable vehicle (most likely anyway), what could happen however – it could appear as a top tier artillery support consumable in Stronghold mode. We’ll just have to see. Luckily, other vehicles from the branch (SIG33, Sturmpanzer IV “Brummbär”) do fit the game, so it’s possible we will see a limited “minibranch” of those, ending with a merge to regular branch at tier 7.of you, thanks for the screenies – this one is from Kyle D.) spotted the Sturmtiger again in the recent Developer Diaries video.

Quick answers from...
- Veider confirms that the new top French mediums (AMX-30 Prototype and AMX-30) will be unlocked from AMX-13/90
- it’s possible that the RU251 view range will be changed, full analysis is needed in order to make a decision
- T-54 Light would be really boring as a premium tier 8 medium tank, that’s why another tank will be picked for that slot instead. Veider likes it as a top tier LT8, it’s possible there will be some characteristics fixes
- Object 906 is an interesting tank, but without swimming, it’s very unlikely it will appear in the game
- a definition of Havok: it will be used to model client-side beautiful destruction
- Havok will use a separate core thread, which will satisfy multicore PC owners, it will be optional
- the technology is ready, but now maps and objects have to be reworked for it, it’s a lot of work and it will take some time
- multicore support: right now, developers are working on transferring some client and graphic calculations to separate threads. It takes a lot of work, devs are working on it for quite some time and the work will not be finished anytime soon.
- multicore support will not be a magical solution to all performance problems, even though it might increase the performance by dozens of percent
- FV4202 will be made premium, it is not yet decided whether players will get it for free
- new motion physics will bring realistic tank movement, tanks will be able to perform “controlled drift”, it will be possible either to turn like now, or to make an U turn, but by doing that, you will lose speed
- tank “swinging” (when stopping or starting) was moved serverside and now it will be possible to shoot below or above your depression/elevation by sharply braking or accelerating (the gun will “jerk” upwards above the elevation for example)
- tanks will lose much less speed when going over small obstacles such as stones
- no ETA (when it’s done it’s done), but much of the work was finished already, currently the developers are actively testing, fixing bugs and polishing the model
- there will be a SD and HD texture split in the future the way it was made in 9.3 – SD textures have half the resolution and will be supplied as “standard” for everyone, while HD textures will be available for optional download. This was decided because there is very little difference between the ways HD and SD textures look.
- in the future, not only tanks, but maps as well will be reworked to HD model, for them, the HD textures will also be optional like for tanks
- crew skills/perks will be reworked in order to make all of them attractive, so players don’t have such an easy choice
- sixth sense will be removed as a perk and everyone will get it automatically, it will be tied to the radioman (or crewman with radioman’s role)
- it will be possible to retrain crewmen from one role to another

- Q: “Why did you decide to reward damage blocked by armor (“tanking”) with XP and not credits, how will for example Maus benefit from this?” A: “Crew levelling”
Supertest: Inca Path Map

Apparently, based on the feedback, this map was scrapped. It will not appear in random battles. Instead, it will stay on supertest to be used for testing of vehicles.

понедельник, 29 сентября 2014 г.

In Development
- apparently, it’s possible to get a teamdamage/teamkill punishment from the race mode (or rather to damage your allies at all). According to developers, this (the ability to teamdamage) is not intended, it’s possible this will be removed
- some mods interfere with the new racing mod. Specifically, older versions of Gnomefather’s sounds cause the game to crash
- locked equipment on your Chaffee Sport tank will be (when the Chaffee Sport is removed) automatically and for free (no gold will be charged) removed and put to your depot at the end of the event
- the 50k XP reward is not a “free XP” reward, it will be transferred to the T1
- the Chaffee race mode is checked for bots strictly (on RU server at least), inactive players and bots will be banned
- the fact that exploding barrels do not deal damage in the Chaffee race is intentional – developers tested it, it wasn’t good with damage
- the fact the crew gets moved to the barracks does NOT mean you will get extra free barracks slots, if your barracks are full, the crew will simply stay as “extra” and as soon as a space frees itself by moving the barracks crew to a tank for example, the crew will occupy it

And a couple of interesting points from today’s leak about skill MM (for those who did not read it):

- on RU server, only 7 percent of players has below 47 percent winrate, 77 percent of players has winrate between 48 and 52 percent
- the “do you want skill MM” poll was sent to 200k players in total, results will apparently be known in November
- Hidden Village is scheduled for a rework (SS: told you so)
- map Stalingrad is planned
- the Bigworld engine is in apparently for an overhaul (SS: they call it “engine upgrade”, it’s possible that the developers here refer to Havok or new motion physics, but maybe other graphic features as well)

- apparently, something called “Black Forest” is planned (likely a new map, sounds interesting)
- it’s not planned to split the gun caliber and the shell actual caliber (for subcaliber shells, for the purposes of overmatch for example) because such a mechanism would be incomprehensible to players
- there will not be any “anti-medals” for bad behavior in game in order not to provoke idiots, who would collect them on purpose
- oddly enough, Storm and Yuri Pasholok are publically arguing (wut?) about sending/not sending some small things about the vehicle HD models (postwar lights on ISU-152 if I see correctly), apparently there is not a very good chain of communication between the HD modellers and historians (SS: as in, modellers ignoring feedback – I wonder if this is connected to the fact that “there might be no HD models in 9.4″)

- Veider on general LT class buff: “We didn’t scrap that. We will change the view ranges. We simply have to have a look at (new) LT’s on main servers. How did they fit in the game, if we need to fix anything and so on. Everything according to plan.”

Fixing the Panzer 35t Tank in HD
Hello everyone,

to my eternal shame, despite being a Czech vehicle fan, as you well know, I don’t play Panzer 38t or 35t much. I don’t generally sealclub, that’s one reason, but the truth is, I am really not that much into Czech tanks, that have German crews (waiting for the Czech branch). But yesterday, I decided to give 38t a shot after a year or so.

Imagine my surprise and “joy”, when I found out that historically, both 35t and 38t are completely FUCKED up. Well… let’s have a look at them.

As you probably know, Panzer 35t is the Czechoslovak LT Vz.35, used by the Wehrmacht forces. To that end, it was somewhat modified. What is wrong with it historically:

- the 20mm guns are completely unhistorical, they are there for the balance purposes I assume
- the top turret is fake (unhistorical), there was never such a thing as “Verstärkterturm” on Panzer 35t
- the top gun is partially fake, it wasn’t present until the advanced prototypes during the war
- stock engine has somewhat wrong designation
- elite engine is fake
- tracks could use different designation
- radios are problematic but noone really cares about those anyway

Considering that this vehicle is scheduled for rework when it gets remodelled to HD, here’s what could be done with it to keep at least some historicity. Basically, there are three variants, all of them revolve on turrets, one is somewhat unhistorical and I think it’s unnecessery.

- for starters, I’d drop the 20mm’s. They don’t belong to this tank anyway, leaving us with the 37mm’s only (the XP price would have to be compensated somewhere but whatever). Next, the engine.
- the T-15 engine is completely unhistorical, the stock engine should better be designated as T-11/0 with 120 horsepower (T-11 series had several stages, this is the one used by the original LT Vz.35). Now, we run into a bit of a problem. The stock engine has (historically correct) 120 horsepower, the top engine the vehicle series ever used was the Škoda T-11/2 135 horsepower engine (this engine appeared during the war on T-12 and T-13M prototypes). I suggest removing the top engine and replacing it with a 135hp T-11/2, compensating the mobility decrease by increased traverse rate and decreased terrain resistance to effectively leave the level of mobility the same

And now, the grand finale, the turret. Here, we have basically three options.

- option one is to rename the elite tracks to T-11 and replace the fake turret with a “T-11″ turret. T-11 was basically an upgraded version of the LT Vz.35, intended for export. The major user of this vehicle turned out to be Bulgaria (as “lek tank Škoda”) 

This is how it would look:
The advantage is, the turret wouldn’t have to be remodelled. The T-11 turret is from the outside practically identical to the LT Vz.35 – however, the problem is, it has the very same armor layout as the stock turret. It had improved ergonomics due to the presence of the new more advanced gun and so, unlocking this turret wouldn’t result in an improved armor, but rather in improved rate of fire. Here, the problem is the gun. Historically, the visual model would be kept, but the gun would have to be renamed from the KwK 38(t) to Škoda A8 (or ÚV Vz.39) and its performance would have to be nerfed to the stock gun level (while increasing its ROF significantly and perhaps tweaking soft stats like accuracy, although that is not entirely historical). This setup (with stock engine) would then be completely historical, as used by Bulgaria in WW2. On the downside, the turret wouldn’t have improved armor anymore and the 20mm’s would be gone.

- option two is to close both eyes and introduce the T-13M turret. The problem is, if you do that, then you have an unhistorical hull (T-13M hull was modified and looked differently, it also had more armor than the “stock” LT Vz.35).

The advantage of this setup would be the fact that the top engine would be historical (T-11/2 that is) as this vehicle used it. The turret also had improved armor – increased from 25/16/16 to 30/25/25. It also carried the gun that is already in the game (Škoda A7 aka KwK 38 (t)). The elite tracks would then have to be renamed to something as well, T-13M possibly (to make sure the players know the suspension and turret belonged together). The major disadvantage here is that the new turret would have to be remodelled visually, as it looked different.

- option three is to go all out to add the T-12 turret instead, turning the elite vehicle into a pseudo-T-12. T-12 was another LT Vz.35 based prototype, but it had one very distinctive feature: it carried a 47mm gun A9 (and as you can imagine, this is a serious upgrade). It’s the same gun as the current elite gun for Panzer 38t by the way. The performance of the gun was as such:

Penetration (at 30 degrees):
52mm at 100m
48mm at 500m
41mm at 1000m
35mm at 1500m

That means the ingame performance is roughly historical. As you can see, this would be a MAJOR buff. The engine for this variant (T-11/2 135hp) is historical as well. The turret would have to be larger however and it would also have to be remodelled. Naturally, such firepower on tier 2 would have to come at mobility cost (historically, the T-12 was also heavier – original LT Vz.35 weight was 10,5 tons, T-12 had 10,95 tons), which could be nerfed even further by introducing a third engine (Škoda Diesel, 120hp, failed due to low reliability) of the T-12D project.
Personally, I’d prefer the first “T-11″ variant, because it was actually fighting. At first glance, it’s a nerf, but everything could be tweaked by soft stats to keep the level the same. The T-13M variant makes probably most sense due to module continuity. The T-12 variant is a “let’s go wild” option. In any case however, Panzer 35t needs some serious overhaul. Next time, we’ll have a look at the Panzer 38t, which is even worse.

среда, 24 сентября 2014 г.

                Storm Gathers 9.3 Feedback

Hello everyone,

while we are waiting for the 9.3 patch (not today), Russians already have it (be grateful, that also means the worst bugs that sometimes appear get to be fixed before the patch comes out). From the discussion:

- some mods again stopped working with 9.3, but other players reports their mods to be working
- the shots sound more muted when in sniper mode, Storm states this is intentional: “The price of realism” (later, he adds “try hitting a tank with a hammer with someone inside – he will barely hear it”, although he adds that he forgot the physics he learned, so there is no need to bash him on that if it’s not true)
- XP for “tanking” will definitely not come via a micropatch, Storm states that currently, they will fix the formula, then they will upload it to the server, they will collect statistics and only after that it will be applied – “when it’s done it’s done”
- Storm on new easy-to-obtain medals: “And I, as a noob, really like them”
- one of the T-54 turrets has its weight incorrectly displayed, this will be checked
- Storm states that there were various optimizations and fixes when it comes to graphics in 9.3, for some players, FPS grew

- developers implemented (unknown where) the difference between rolled and cast armor (SS: both armors have different properties when hit by shell, it’s actually quite complex), but decided not to implement it, as it would be incomprehensible for players.
- the separate HD texture pack was made because “it was easier to make”, it’s possible in the future it will be changed to be automatic via launcher (SS: oddly enough, WoWp has it via launcher I think), it was made “so it would be downloaded only by those, who need it”)
- apparently, there is a nasty replay bug in 9.3 where if you try to quit the replay prematurely, you will be punished for early leaving the battle (not sure whether “it counts”, but the window with a threat appears).
- no plans to implement skill MM in random battles
- some player reported the game crashing when quitting combat, Storm replied it’s probably a buggy mod fault
- the “players online” on server is available when pressing Escape
- Storm does not watch My Little Pony
- camouflage mechanism will be reworked (so tanks don’t disappear in the middle of a field anymore just so)
- Storm will talk to the sound makers, whether there will be more pronounced sound of “tank insides” when in sniper mode (loading, engine etc.)
- old LT8′s (AMX-13/90 and the Chinese one) will not be rebalanced in any special way in near future, more like “as usual”, based on their statistics.
- Storm does personally not like playing IS-8 apparently, there was a really nice conversation in the thread about how Veider sits next to him and always hears “bail out” from Storm’s speakers.
- Storm on HD textures: “Only enthusiasts need them. And they’ll get it.”
- apparently, some players in 9.3 had freezes during the beginning of the battle. This was fixed in 0.9.3
- two more patches will come until the end of the year. 9.4 it will definitely not contain Havok. Storm admits he’s not sure whether WG will succeed in releasing both, as the schedule is really tight
- Storm check and the “normal” 9.3 patch does NOT contain HD textures, they need to be downloaded separately
- Storm confirms some HE explosion effects were reworked when hitting the ground, allegedly the armor hits look better as well, but he is not sure
- there is a bug in 9.3 where the kill rings (marks) display on the tank even when the option is disabled. Storm states that fixing this has low priority.
- Storm really likes the new Murovanka
- Veider, when asked why the KV-85 122mm alpha was not nerfed: “Many vehicles have this gun. Should we nerf it for all?”
- in 9.3 ricochet system, you will not be punished for having your shell ricochet and damaging an ally
- ricocheting your shell into an enemy tank will count as your damage
- shells will not ricochet from house walls
(followed by explaining the ricochet mechanics, can be found here)
- new LT8 models have each over 40 thousand polygons
- water does not provide camouflage bonus
- shooting a tank that is under water does not make the shell lose penetration
- there are plans to rebalance LT’s further, the Chaffee rebalance and introducing new LT8′s are the first steps

вторник, 23 сентября 2014 г.

Patch 9.3 – Separate HD Textures
Attention! This is important, please read.
Hello everyone,

this is something that was not announced before, oddly enough. According to RU portal, from 9.3 onwards the HD textures for tanks will be downloaded as a separate ZIP file (for 9.3, the size of HD textures is 980 megabytes).

According to the same article, this was done to save traffic and computer space. It has to be done manually (at least the Russians had to) by downloading and installing separate texture pack – why it wasn’t done automatically via the launcher? Hell if I know.

Either way, please note that if your PC is strong enough to run full resolution HD textures (maximal texture quality), you have to manually install the HD textures separately! I am posting this here to make sure everyone remembers that, so you avoid the “WTF, tanks look lowres like shit on my new rig” questions on forums.

To install HD textures:

- you download them in a ZIP file (once it is available for EU/US client)
- you unpack them to WoT folder
- you have to run the client and set the texture quality to maximum

Wow. Manual texture installation, that is some stronk programink – that’s mod/cracked game stuff, not the besterest F2P game level.

                         9.3 Overview Video

Hello everyone,

here’s the usual Wargaming patch introduction video. For now, unfortunately, only in Russian. What you can do is turn automatic subtitles on and then have them translated to English. Not too good, but at least it will give you an overview of what they mention. As far as I can tell, there is nothing really surprising in the video.


- new light tanks, reworked Murovanka, vehicle rebalance, new Stronghold functions
- LTTB: “much like the legendary T-50-2, same high speed and maneuverability”, but with added firepower, “the gameplay feeling is practically the same as the earlier T-50-2″
- T-54 Light: well-armored and armed light tank, can withstand hits from tanks of its tier
- US light tanks: good mobility and viewrange, guns are fast aiming and firing fast
- M41 has an autoloader for 10 shells, it can destroy in 20 seconds most of tier 7′s and many 8′s, but it is light, low hitpoints, has to be careful in picking targets
- T49 can mount a 152mm gun – base shell is HE, it makes a lot of damage but playing with it is complicated due to low ROF, long aimtime and low accuracy, 90mm gun is for players who like the fire support role
- RU251 is one of the fastest tanks in the game with a good gun, it’s possible to play it as a mobile sniper
- KV-1S split (KV-85 on tier 6), KV-85 gets to keep the favourite 122mm gun
- new HD models
- rework of Murovanka
- new Stronghold functions (“Chancellery”, mercenaries)
- certain map objects now explode (fuel tanks, cars)
- explosion effect was reworked
- new punishments for leavers and AFKers
- new ricochet system
- transmission/engine split
- if a tank drowns while being detracked (forced drowning), it will count as a kill for the person that caused the detrack

понедельник, 22 сентября 2014 г.

                         KTTC Records

Nothing much today (don’t forget to change your password on EU and US server for free 300 gold). If you are however interested, there are two things I wanted to link.

First is yet another Chieftain’s Hatch article, this time about the Sherman PR from 1942. Some interesting read.

Second is an article by Listy on Overlord’s blog about the British WB1 tank. Never heard of it before? No worries, noone has. I kept teasing Listy about this project for months because it’s his “white whale” – there are scraps of information, but noone knows what it really looked like. Good luck finding more though :)

In two days, Storm is planning a big stream, where he will allegedly (according to RU staff) talk about future features. In Russian of course, but that’s what FTR is here for. Should be interesting (topics will cover for example Havok, gold ammo etc.). He will also be playing WoT on Ru server, of course. Damn, he should come to EU using roaming. That should be fun!

- no plans to unify gold and premium account in WoT and WoT Blitz
- T110E5 will apparenty not be nerfed
- Q: “What will there be in WoT 2?” A: “WoT 2.0? What is that? :)”
- during ammorack explosions, remaining shells are not “used up” – you don’t have to buy them all back even though they all explode. This is so the players don’t suffer.
- it’s completely possible that new premium tanks will come soon
- it’s completely possible some of the removed maps (Port, Dragon Ridge) will return to the game after they are reworked
- there will be no “zombie mode” in WoT, it was only mentioned as April 1st joke
- crew visual models are not planned
- M6A2E1 buff confirmed (it loses its top battletier, thus getting limited MM)
- larger platoons are not planned
- the AFK and leaver punishment system will come in 9.3 – the only thing that was removed was the suicider punishment system, which needs to breworked
- there will be new tier 8 premium tanks
- “many new and nice, interesting things” will come in stronghold mode
- the XP bonus for “tanking” will not appear in 9.3, it will be reworked and it will come later
- Q: “Storm, what is the fate of 7/68 mode? What about team battles for tier 10?” A: “7/52″ (SS: take it how you will)
- apparently, according to Storm, the XVM minimap with tank names option mod is very resource-requiring
- on very weak computers (“calculators”), XVM can cause up to 30 percent FPS drop

- about half of WoT players have very weak computers