воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

Attack of the Clones.Supertest: T-55A NVA DDR

- Object 260 tier 10 Soviet heavy tank (scheduled as a clanwars reward, basically an IS-7 variant with different turret)
- T28 Concept (based on the wooden mockup as a tier 7 US TD
- East-German T-55A medium tank (because, you know, there are not enough T-54 clones in the game) tier 9 tank (likely an event/CW reward)
- tier 6 premium M4A3E8 variant (“Fury”, apparently)

Hello everyone,

you might have noticed that yesterday, we recieved yet another copy of the T-54, this time in the German tree (I wonder if we’ll ever get an American T-54 clone as well). On one hand, it’s a solid tier 9 reward tank and – let’s face it, the model is beautiful, all that I am missing are the external fuel tanks, but I can see why developers didn’t add them (they wouldn’t be a part of the hitzone and people would be confused: “why the hell does it not catch on fire, when I am firing at his fuel tanks”). Another neat part is that according to the source of the leaks, developers are even making the East German crest on the tank, just like the Leopard has a Bundeswehr one. I do not understand the designation too well – I mean, T-55 NVA DDR? In English, NVA almost always refers to the army of North Vietnam and I can already see how people will be confused (“we are having a Vietnamese T-55 in German tree?”). Why not Kampfpanzer T-55 or even Kpz T 55 (without the dash), that’s how the vehicle was designated in some German sources and books?
On the other hand, this vehicle, despite having somewhat different characteristics, is a clone of the T-54. Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing?

Personally, I don’t mind. I mean… yes, this tank existed and was in service, thanks god it didn’t get to fight anyone though. Ironically, this vehicle, deployed by the East German army (NVA), was not manufactured in Germany, it was imported from Czechoslovakia (and partially Poland). Congratulations, another Czechoslovak vehicle fighting in German colours :) Hell, the German vehicles even fired indigenous Czechoslovak ammunition, not the Soviet one (specifically, the 100-JprSv HEAT shells with cca 300mm penetration).

As I wrote, I don’t mind. I personally think T-54/55 are some of the most beautiful tanks ever made and having one in the German tree? Why not. There is nothing inherently bad in having multiple copies of one tank in the game, it adds nothing negative to the game, apart from somewhat less diversity, but even that is a minor issue, considering this will not be a tier 8 premium tank and so we do not have to fear floods of T-55A tanks in battles

All jokes aside however, there is one thing that I hate about that and it’s the Wargaming inconsistency and hypocrisy. On one hand, the developers are moaning about the EU tree “filled with clones” and on the other hand, they introduce TWO T-54 clones in space of one month?

And that goes for the T28 Concept (upcoming tier 7 US TD apparently) – on one hand, developers are not happy with fake tanks to the point of actively trying to replace them, on the other hand, they introduce a completely fabricated vehicle with fake statistics based on one wooden mockup, that wasn’t even seriously considered?

Seeing how easy it is for them to break their own rules, the EU tree should be a piece of cake. In any case however, this inconsistency is something that really brings them down in my eyes. Oh well, here’s to another version of the T-54, may many players get it and enjoy it!
T-55A appeared on the supertest as a German tier 9 reward/event tank. It’s official designation is “T-55A NVA DDR”. The designation reads:

The T-55A is an improved variant of the T-55 tank. It differs from the T-55 by the absence of the AA machinegun and improved WMD protection. Roughly 1800 T-55 and T-55A tanks were exported from USSR to DDR between 1962 and 1970.
Statistics for 100 percent crew:

Tier: 9 MT Reward
Hitpoints: 1700
Weight: 37,5 tons
Engine power: 580 hp
Power-to-weight: 15,47 hp/t
Maximum speed: 50/20 km/h
Terrain resistance: 0,767/0,863/1,438
Hull traverse: 50 deg/s
Viewrange: 395
Radiorange: 761,3

Armor – hull: 100/80/?
Armor – turret: 200/160/65

Gun: 100mm Kanone D-10T2S
Penetration: 201/330/50
Damage: 320/320/420
DPM: 2600
Reload time: 7,384s
ROF: 8,126
Accuracy: 0,326
Aimtime: 2,01s
Depression: -4,3
Turret traverse: 48 deg/s

Armor and more pics below.

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